Entrepreneur Success Stories Volume 2
Entrepreneur Success Stories Volume 2

Entrepreneur Success Stories Volume 2

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How common people achieve uncommon results. Loral Langemeier and John C. Robinson.

Is Your Business Ready For Exponential Growth?

For Many Entrepreneurs, success is simply declaring that they're still in business from one year to the next. Mere incremental profits or year after year of declining revenues are the only choices they can see. A small percentage of business owners, however, consistently achieve enormous results that allow them to work less, make more, and help more customers. These are the few who dare to dream big and follow through with all the right moves. 

This latest volume of the Entrepreneur Success Stories series offers you more of the key ingredients needed to outperform your competitors and exceed your own expectations, including:

  • The core principles of entrepreneurial growth and acceleration
  • How to create your platform and use it to generate multiple revenue streams
  • The one thing you must know to become a celebrity in your community
  • How to remove the one roadblock that keeps us from confidently following your intuition
  • The seven keys to business success
  • Why being persistent always wins

"Don't leave the successful implementation of your wealth plan to chance. With this guide, infusing one's business with a steady supply of income and new clients is available to every entrepreneur."

- Greg Writer, CEO, Angel Investors Network